Press Releases

Fund Risks The market price of equity securities may be affected by financial market, industry, or issuer-specific events. Focus on a particular style or on small or medium-sized companies may enhance that risk.

The Miller/Howard High Income Equity Fund is a closed-end fund traded on the New York Exchange (Symbol HIE). Shares must be purchased through a professional financial advisor.

There is no guarantee that the portfolio will meet its objective.

Shares of closed-end investment companies such as the Fund may trade in the market above, at, or below net asset value. This characteristic is a risk separate and distinct from the risk that the Fund’s net asset value could decline. The Fund is not able to predict whether its shares will trade above, below, or at net asset value in the future.

Leverage Risk. The use of leverage, which can be described as exposure to changes in price at a ratio greater than the amount of equity invested magnifies both the favorable and unfavorable effects of price movements in the investments made by the Fund. The Fund’s use of leverage in its investment operations subjects it to substantial risk of loss.

© 2024 Miller/Howard Investments.


Fund Risks The market price of equity securities may be affected by financial market, industry, or issuer-specific events. Focus on a particular style or on small or medium-sized companies may enhance that risk.

The Miller/Howard High Income Equity Fund is a closed-end fund traded on the New York Exchange (Symbol HIE). Shares must be purchased through a professional financial advisor.

There is no guarantee that the portfolio will meet its objective.

Shares of closed-end investment companies such as the Fund may trade in the market above, at, or below net asset value. This characteristic is a risk separate and distinct from the risk that the Fund’s net asset value could decline. The Fund is not able to predict whether its shares will trade above, below, or at net asset value in the future.

Leverage Risk. The use of leverage, which can be described as exposure to changes in price at a ratio greater than the amount of equity invested magnifies both the favorable and unfavorable effects of price movements in the investments made by the Fund. The Fund’s use of leverage in its investment operations subjects it to substantial risk of loss.

© 2024 Miller/Howard Investments.